Built during the 15th century, the church treasures many ‘400-‘500 works by Tintoretto, Ricci and Pordenone. The monumental façade is in contrast with the simplicity of the adjacent Scuola Grande di San Rocco.

Built from 1489 to 1508 by Bartolomeo Bon, it went under a 18th century’ remake by Scalfarotto, who partly modify the one nave interior. In the apse chapels there are works by Sebastiano Ricci and by Pordenone beside six painting by Tintoretto. The main altar is dominated by an urn with the corpse of San Rocco.


Useful information:

Opening hours:

- from Monday to Saturday: 09.30 am – 5.30 pm
- Sunday: 1 pm - 5.30 pm 


- entry fee: 2,00 euro

With the Church, it's possibile to visit individually and also in groups (upon booking) the Scuola Grande di San Rocco. Tickets have to be purchased on site.

Full ticket: 10,00 euro
Reduced ticket: 8,00 euro

Tel: +39 041 5234864 
E-mail: snrocco@libero.it  


For any further information, check on website: http://http://www.scuolagrandesanrocco.it/



Address: Campo San Rocco San Polo - Venezia
How to get there: water-bus, stop "S.Tomà"








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