A short trip into the history of Venice, from the first settlements in the lagoon after the barbaric invasions, through the prestige and the opulence of the Serenissima Republic, the greatest italian sea power, until  the present-day problems.

V-VI sec d.C          
First allocations on islands of Laguna Veneta was during the barbaric inavasions, when populations of continenal Veneto searched refuge on marshy zone. These groups built villages on rafts made with wooden poles hammerd under the water, getting on bases for the actual floating palaces. First houses are concentrated on Riva Rialto the highest part of Laguna and it was growing up till being the great Serenissima Republic.

It was elected the first Doge of 118 of Venice history.

The name of Venice was linked to San Marco when the body of apostle were taken from Egypt to Venice in San Marco’s Basilica builted up for these reson.

Serenissima gave crafts to Papa Urbano II for the first crusade that was characterized by sacks in the Bizantino’s empire.

Venice won the fourth crusade in Costantinopoli. It took four bronze horses, shovel of the altar known like the gold’s shovel and some statues. The San Marco’s symbol controlled a big commercial empire. Richness were controlled by the Big Council, the richer family of Venice.

A long serie of fights with Sailor Republic of Genova ended, with the victory of Venice in Chioggia.

Venice began to growing up relationship with inner land improving their alliances for supporting their people hit by plague.

Turkish people kept Costantinopoli and this event was the beginning of the break down of Venice Republic that didn’t keep the step with the new international order built up from State and global empire.

Turkish people kept Cipro coming in the Serenissima lands.

Creta was kept. In Venice Republic corruption was growing up and Venice didn’t have the strength to manage an army for fighting against its enemy. Plague hit again, killing most of the population in few years.

Napoleone came in Veneto and kept Venice under Austrian empire.

Venice joined together with the rebels against Austrian empire.

Venice was jointed to the Italian Reign. City was a ferment of  activities and impulses.

XIX sec.     
A bridge was built up for joining Venice to inner lands: Venice wasn’t an island since this time. Channels were wider and deeper.

XX sec.   

During Mussolini’s domination next to the bridge for train was built a street for cars and pedestrians. The development in Mestre and Marghera of commercial activities during the second world war was under the Alliance attention. They bombed them but luckily Venice came out of it without huge losses. After the war the born and development of industries in Marghera took to Venice many employees.

There was a huge and awful problem with high water that grew up a lot. The whole world looked at Venice and began to take attention to the problem.

The city thrives on the tertiary sector and is an important Italian and international cultural center thanks to the presence of the Biennale of Art and Architecture, the International Film Festival, and prestigious university institutions such as Ca' Foscari University and the Academy of Fine Arts. Despite this, the Serenissima helplessly witnesses an unstoppable migration of its inhabitants from the historic center to the mainland, mostly due to the negative impact of mass tourism and the logistical difficulties of life in the lagoon.





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