The Osservatorio Naturalistico of the Venetian Lagoon is an informative point created by the Venice Municipality in collaboration with the Environment Department, to study the environment around Venice and its protected areas and to involve the population in its preservation.

The Osservatorio Naturalistico of the Venetian Lagoon is working on the creation of an Environmental Atlas of the Venetian Lagoon, collecting and organizing informations about the different media for environment with maps. The Osservatorio will use the atlas to verify environmental impact assessments for sustainable urban development and to plan for the future of Venice and its lagoon.
The Osservatorio also manages the supervising of the naturalistic areas.
- Last february has been presented the Environmental Atlas of the Venetian Lagoon relating all the activities of the Osservatorio Naturalistico of the Venetian Lagoon of the last three years.

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