Today we can find the history and art of Venice in its many traditions that will follow in this section: from its traditional and official festivities marking the splendour of the Maritime Republic and living again every year in the magical atmosphere of its most famous festivities, to the culinary traditions, enriched bythe trades with the Orient and by the influences of foreign populations passing thorough Venice along the history. Visit this section to discover Venetian traditions and its tipical and particular habits.


The Republic of the Serenissima had enacted a series of laws to regulate fishing activities, as it was one of the main activities in Venice. The regulations covered not only the fishing activity itself but also the equipment used.

The first inhabitants of the lagoon were refugees from cities fleeing the barbarians, people accustomed to wealth and prosperity who suddenly found themselves in a hostile and uncultivable environment. The only activities that allowed for survival were commerce and navigation with the people of Dalmatia, Istria, and Ravenna, who were subjects of Byzantium.
