Venezia Suona is a music event that takes place in Venice since 1999. Every year Venice becomes an enormous open air stage to listen to concerts and music between campi and campielli of the city...

Venezia Suona first took place on 20th June 1999 from an idea of the Venetian jazz singer, Giannantonio De Vincenzo, but its originality has made it a great success and it has already become a traditional event in Venice.
This music event transforms Venice, the only city in the world without acoustic pollution, into an enormous loud-speaker: in every 'campo' and 'campiello' venetians and tourists can partecipate to  concerts of every musical genre, from jazz to rock from folk to classical.
The city is invaded by choirs, bands and musical groups of every kind that move around the city or perform in some of its corners, creating a magic atmosphere and a special relationship between the musicians playing and the spectators.
Since its first edition, many italian and international performers partecipate every year to Venezia Suona.

by Roberta Nalesso
MV editor

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