Vogalonga it’s a spring celebration, born in the ’90 thanks to some Venicians, to remember "Serenissima" traditions and to point citizens and authorities attention at the problem of waves’ movement in Venice.

But the Vogalonga was also born as a moment of protest and to raise awareness among Venetians and authorities about the problems of wave motion, serving as a symbolic event where, at least for one day, rowing boats reign supreme! For over 30 years, the Vogalonga has given the city a day free from water traffic and the noise pollution caused by motorboats that invade Venice, especially the Grand Canal, every day.

The course has remained the same over the years: about 30 km through the canals and the most picturesque islands of the northern lagoon, re-entering Venice through Cannaregio, and finishing at Punta della Dogana.

From early morning, the participating boats, which have grown in number over the years to reach up to 1500, gather in the San Marco Basin in front of the Doge's Palace.

The success of the event, which in recent years has seen an increasing number of foreign participants, has been an incentive for the establishment of rowing clubs, but above all, it has been a tool for promoting local craftsmanship related to the restoration and construction of boats, an activity that over the centuries was at risk of extinction.

Despite the inconveniences it often entails (especially at the organizational and logistical level), today both Venetians and foreigners participate in this non-competitive event with increasing enthusiasm. The Vogalonga has become an even greater opportunity to rediscover the Venice lagoon, its picturesque landscapes, and its delicate habitat.

Useful Information:

Vogalonga Organizing Committee
Address: S. Marco, 950 - 30124 Venice
Tel: +39 0415210544
Fax: +39 0415200771
Web: www.vogalonga.it
E-mail: info@vogalonga.com

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