As we have already mentioned, the Lido of Venice is the ideal island for those visiting Venice who wish to take a relaxing and rejuvenating break from the chaotic and crowded atmosphere, especially during the summer months. After exploring a sustainable itinerary of the Lido South, which stretches from Santa Maria Elisabetta to Alberoni, we present a new itinerary for the Lido North that encompasses the entire area of S. Nicolò, an ancient military zone of the island.

Arriving by vaporetto at Piazzale Santa Maria Elisabetta, you will immediately find yourself in front of the church of the same name. This building dates back to the 15th century, initially established as a Devotion School for the gardeners living on the island, later becoming a church in the 17th century.

As we have already mentioned, the Lido of Venice is the ideal island for those visiting Venice who wish to take a relaxing and rejuvenating break from the chaotic and crowded atmosphere, especially during the summer months. After exploring a sustainable itinerary of the Lido South, which stretches from Santa Maria Elisabetta to Alberoni, we present a new itinerary for the Lido North that encompasses the entire area of S. Nicolò, an ancient military zone of the island.

Arriving by vaporetto at Piazzale Santa Maria Elisabetta, you will immediately find yourself in front of the church of the same name. This building dates back to the 15th century, initially established as a Devotion School for the gardeners living on the island, later becoming a church in the 17th century.


In the recently reconstructed square, you can see the first tourist buildings that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, now facing the lagoon. At that time, they appeared as small guesthouses equipped to accommodate the initial tourist flows to the Lido. By taking the main road that vertically crosses the island, you can rent a bicycle and set off to explore the area for a few hours.

Returning to the square and proceeding left along the lagoon, you will see the Votive Temple on your right, an impressive circular building designed by Giuseppe Torres in 1919, which has become Venice's military shrine.

Following the road, you will pass a series of villas and hotels featuring architecture that combines various styles, from Byzantine to Gothic and Romanesque, along with decorations typical of Art Nouveau. After a few minutes of cycling, you will reach the Jewish Cemetery. Founded in 1389, it is one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Europe that has been preserved. Today, it can be visited by appointment with a private guide. Here you can find information and book our tour.




Once you reach the ferry-boat dock connecting the Lido with Tronchetto, you will find yourself at the foot of a massive bridge made of bricks and Istrian stone, constructed in the 16th century. Descending from the bridge, you will face the Church of San Nicolò: the building dates back to the 12th century and has been renovated several times over the centuries. Located in a strategic position at the sea entrance, the Church of San Nicolò also includes a Convent featuring an elegant cloister with a central well. On the occasion of the Festa della Sensa, as in the time of the Serenissima Republic, mass is celebrated in the church at the end of the Marriage of the Sea ceremony.

With the Church in front of you and the lagoon behind, take Via Morandi to the right: it will lead you to the entrance of Nicelli Airport, a small airport currently active only for private flights and panoramic tours over Venice and the islands, ranked third among the ten most beautiful airports in the world according to the BBC.

Then, head back on Via Morandi and continue left from Via Selva onto Via dell’Ospizio Marino. Following the road, you will find yourself on Lungomare d’Annunzio with the beaches on your left. After cycling and walking all morning, you will surely want to rest and delight your palate with some local specialties.



Then, turn onto Via Duodo, where you can find Ristorante Favorita and enjoy excellent seafood dishes. Alternatively, if you prefer a more rustic and homely atmosphere, you can decide to taste the seafood dishes at Trattoria Pancin by turning onto Via Manuzio.

Once satisfied, you can resume your itinerary and retrace the road towards the former Ospedale al Mare until you reach Piazzale Ravà. Continue towards the Pineta di San Nicolò, following a dirt path. From here, we recommend heading to the Diga and riding it by bike to the lighthouse: you will enjoy a beautiful view as you travel along a sort of road in the middle of the sea.

The itinerary concludes with the return to Piazzale Santa Maria Elisabetta. Once you have returned the bicycle, you can wander through the streets admiring the various Art Nouveau buildings or treat yourself to a good ice cream.


Duration: 6/7h approximately


How to get to LIDO:

From P.le Roma                                water-bus, line 5.1 or 6

From Stazione Venezia S.Lucia        water-bus line 5.1

From San Zaccaria – San Marco      water-bus line 1 or 5.1 (Line 2 only on summer)


For public transport ticket, please visit:


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