An exhibition with large numbers: a 4-storey building and 35 exhibition halls, more than 100 works on display.
A journey of more than a century through the art of the twentieth century and its protagonists.
From 1 November at Palazzo Zaguri From Kandinsky to Botero, All in a Strand.
Over 100 works on display, the famous masters Kandinsky, Dalì, Miró, Casorati, Capogrossi, Andy Warhol.
The colors of Matisse and Paul Klee, the timeless shapes of De Chirico, the disruptive art of Corrado Cagli and Mirko Basaldella.
A great exhibition that goes beyond the painting, beyond the artist.
A journey of more than a century in the ancient and noble Palazzo Zaguri.
Opening time
From Tuesday to Sunday
Monday closed
From November 1st 2018
10.00am – 7.00pm (last admission 6.00pm)
Closure days:
December 24th, 25th, 31st, morning of January 1st (open from 2.00pm)
With audio guide included
16 €
With audio guide included Invalids, over 65, students, teachers, and residents in Venice
After presentation of the identification card at the cash desk14 €
Reduced Children
Children from 6 to 14 years
12 €
Children up to 5 years and accompanying persons with disabilities who are not self-sufficient (Prior recognition card present at the cash desk)
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