Curated by Luca Massimo Barbero
For the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ettore Sottsass (1917 – 2007) LE STANZE DEL VETRO will celebrate his glass production with the exhibition “Ettore Sottsass: The Glass”, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero, Director of the Institute of Art History of Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Featuring 200 works – mostly from the Ernest Mourmans collection – many of which on show for the first time, it will be the first exhibition dedicated entirely to the Italian architect’s glass and crystal production. The exhibition set-up design is by Annabelle Selldorf Studio. “Ettore Sottsass: The Glass” will run on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, in Venice, from 10th April to 30th July 2017. The show will be complemented by a catalogue raisonné, published by Skira.
‘Sottsass’s glass pieces are complex organisms, designed as if they were characters’ says Luca Massimo Barbero, the curator of the exhibition. ‘The artist-architect breaks through the technical boundaries of the objects using materials such as glass, plastic and polycarbonates and brings them to life. They are beings made of many elements that create a lively yet imaginary world. “Ettore Sottsass: The Glass” is an exhibition that brings Murano glass into the present with a vitality that projects it into the future.’
Opening hours
From 10.00 to 19.00
Closed on Wednesdays
Free entrance
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