The secret place in Venice where to meet, under charmng and sensations, the most famous adventurer and seducer in the world: Giacomo Casanova. Stories of journeys, adventures, escapes and duels, passions and loves: an unbelievable journey through past time to live again Casanova epoch with the refinement, elegance and trasgression of the 18th century "Casini". An evocative moment greatly experientail that takes the visitor back in time.
The admittance at the Salotto includes a guided visit along Casanova's life course, the corner of the "Memoire" and the secret room. The visit ends with the tastings of " i piaceri di Casanova" 18th customs and traditions offered to the guests by our partners.
At a given time you can even be present at Casanova's Cenacle and listen to music and look performance "da camera" with the artist and musicians of the Casanova Academy Orchestra.
April: Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 September: Saturday 22 and Sunday 23
May: Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October: Saturday 6 and Sunday 7
June: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November: Saturday 3 and Sunday 4
Saturday 30 December: Saturday 1 and Sunday 2
July: Sunday 1
Ticket: 16 euro
Venezia, Casino Venier
Ponte dei Baretteri,
San Marco 4939
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