The Venice lagoon is one of the most important moist earths in Europe. Travelling by boat is the best way to observe the inimitable landscape of the amphibious environment. With your own boat you can venture into the most unusual, hidden places, sailing through its many islands and fishing valleys, to discover its wonderful Naturalistic Areas.

Tourists who navigate with their own boat in the Venice lagoon have to respect the navigation rules of Venice municipality. Sailing is not allowed in the historic centre of Venice.

Issuing procedure:

For security reasons, all pleasure-motorboats with more then 7,36 KW power must be equipped with earmark enabling the identification of the owner, responsible for navigation (D.G.R n° 223, 2003).
Pleasure-motorboats occasionally navigating in the lagoon, for no longer than 30 days, can apply for a special earmark to Information Offices of Venice Tourist Board.

1 - Concerned persons
Navigation earmark can be issued to:
a) natural or juridical persons, responsible for navigation;
b) Juridical persons, responsible for navigation of the same motorboat.

2 - Qualifications of responsible for navigation
Responsible for navigation must have all the following qualifications:
a) being over 18;
b) not being legal or juridical interdicted;
c) being resident or domiciled in Italy, or having the Company's registered office in Italy, or being traceable according to the law.

3 - Applications form
Application form is available at Information Offices of Venice Tourist Board: tel. (+39) 0415298711
Application form must be presented to Information Offices, under payment of 40,00 € (10 € for administrative charges and 30 € as guarantee)
Natural persons must enclose a photocopy of identification card (D.P.R. n° 445/2000).
Juridical persons must enclose a photocopy of identification card of the legal delegate who undersigns the application and a photocopy of the document issued by Chamber of Commerce (D.P.R. n° 445/2000).

4 - Issuing
Information Offices issue a couple of temporary earmark after receiving all the documents listed above.

5 - Earmark characteristics
Earmark must have the following characteristics:
mm 360 (base) x 120 (height) x 1 (thickness)
with hole (4 at the corners) of mm 2 (diameter)
All temporary earmarks feature 'P' as the last figure of the code.

6 - Application and earmark fixing
The earmarks should be fixed on the boat's stern sides as far as possible from the waterline. The technical term 'stern sides' indicates the part included in the last third of the boat's length.
Only for rubber boat, it is possible to fix the earmark on special supports that should be fixed also throught hooks and ropes. The alternative is to use special adhesive earmarks with the same dimensional characteristics explained above. In this case, the original one must be kept aboard during navigation.

7 - Return of earmark
The earmark must be returned, within 30 days from the granting, to the same office that has issued it. The offices issue a document attesting time and date of returning that the responsible for navigation has to keep.
If the earmark isn't returned, the offices appropriate the guarantee and cancel the earmark registration. In this case the guarantee will not be refunded.

Useful information:

Comune di Venezia
Ufficio Mobilità Acquea
(+39) 041 2748134

Provincia di Venezia
Settore Mobilità e Trasporti
(+39) 041 2501876

text and photo from APT- Venezia


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