If you are planning to visit Venice, La Fenice Theater is definitely a must-see of your Venetian stay. The visit among the frescoes and the golden details of the prestigious venues will allow you to discover the secrets of the Theater and its stars, tracing its history from the past until our days.
The Theater houses a permanent exhibition dedicated to Maria Callas and her years of activity in Venice.
Opening hours
The Theater is usually open for tours daily from 9:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m., although variations may occur in the schedule for artistic or technical reasons.
Full price € 10,00
Reduced price € 7,00 (reduced for students up to 26 years and visitors over 65 years old)
Free admission for children up to 6 years.
The ticket price includes an audio guide, which is available in 5 languages:
Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.
The ticket price includes the possibility to visit the internal exhibition dedicated to Maria Callas.
For further information: visite@festfenice.com
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