Immerse yourself in the mysterious and magic atmosphere when twilight turns into darkness. A qualified guide will take you through hidden corners and quite places of Venice, avoiding the tourists’ masses, narrating anecdotes, legends and tales of this unique townImmerse yourself in the mysterious and magic atmosphere when twilight turns into darkness. A qualified guide will take you around the hidden corners and quite places of Venice, avoiding the tourists’ masses, narrating anecdotes, legends and tales of this unique town.
A night walk discovering unusual itineraries dedicated to legends and stories of this astonishing city showing all its splendor especially at night.
An odd adventure to let you know Cannaregio district by night: here, following a cryptic itinerary through a maze of little and narrow streets, you will live a deep experience of the hidden Venice, will learn the darkest and obscurest stories of this city, of its ghosts and of the continuous ghosts appearances upsetting its inhabitants’ souls.
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