A cloister… an image of young friars meditating or leafing through a Bible for hours before dawn. A sensation is a surge of peace and serenity. Venice: a city of canals, bridges, churches and monasteries where we’ll go to wander around, in an itinerary back in time, through cloisters of convents of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Sant'Apollonia, San Francesco della Vigna and San Giorgio on Island.
Visual itinerary through the places of colour in the paintings from Veneto and its cultural manifestations, highlighting the key points of correlations between landscape, colour and sensuality, indicating the concepts and prevailing constants of techniques and styles that had influenced European art.
A dynamic approach to get to know the art and style of Tintoretto could be the one of following the artist through his sumptuously laid tables and “Last Suppers” during an itinerary in the city that the painter would have definitely approved of, having himself been one of the greatest men of Mannerisms that interpreted through situations of great dynamism and movement.
History saddles Venice, a city so rich of artistic and architectural treasures of the past, that seems not to be suited to offer spaces to contemporary art at all and yet it was just there in 1895 the first International Art Exposition of Venice, after becoming the Biennale of Venice.
For its incomparable beauty and natural sceneries that it offers, Venice has always represented a yearned and favoured scenic design for the cinematographers from all over the world that have celebrated it in all seasons through movies of different kind and depth, among the cliche of a Hallmark city and romantic decadence like a psychodrama…
Venice has often been an object of tension and a never placated desire by writers and literary men searching continuously, as well as a source of inspiration through imagination with plurality and richness of meanings.