It’s in May, on the Ascension day, (Sensa in venetian) to commemorate two Venician historical victories.

The first was in 1000 when Pietro Orseolo II the Doge fought to defence Dalmazia against the Croatia and Narentani and he won.
The second victory is in 1777, when Sebastiano Zani Doge wellcomed Alessandro III Pope and Federico Barbarossa in San Marco for making peace agreement.
The Pope confirmed Venecian dominion on the sea with the famous annual “Nuptial”.
For this reason every year the Doge (today the mayor) on Bucintoro boat goes to Sant Elena Island in Castle place, where the Bishop blesses him. Doge, when he arrives at the Porto’s entrance, he throws a golden ring in the sea.

In previous centuries this holiday held an important role in the social and political life of Venice, which resulted in one of the most important and sumptuous celebrations, interweaving the legend, myth and history of the city. If, historically speaking, the Sensa is the result of an overlapping of civil and religious rites and events through the ages, today we prefer to give it the meaning of festivity of the Sea and therefore of a festivity of a city which draws its raison d'être from its relationship with the sea.

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