Whether you're tourists, commuters, university students, or simply people with an insatiable thirst for good drinks and you find yourselves in Venice, you can't miss out on a top-notch bacaro tour in true Venetian style. If this expression is new to you, you've never heard it before, but your eyes lit up when you read "people with an insatiable thirst for good drinks," then this is the article for you, and we recommend reading it to the end.

What is a bácaro? The bácaro or bacareto is the typical Venetian tavern that offers a wide variety of wines, commonly called ombre or biancheti, and a rich assortment of quick snacks like crostini, small stuffed sandwiches, and fried foods, all grouped under the name cicchetti. An essential part of the bacaro experience is the spritz, a drink made with Aperol, prosecco, and seltz, ideal for aperitivo time or any other time of the day. Additionally, what characterizes the bacaro are the very small spaces (some are no larger than 5 square meters) and the abundant use of wood, generally dark, in the furnishings. All this creates a rustic, informal, yet warm and welcoming atmosphere.





After this brief introduction, the real fun begins. The bacari are the coveted destinations of the so-called bacaro tour, a tour of the city that, instead of aiming for the extraordinary monuments of Venice, focuses on the beloved bacari (which we think could be considered "monuments of interest"). It's impossible to determine the duration of a bacaro tour: it can last from a few hours to an entire day. Some people quickly hop from one bacaro to another, while others choose one and stay for hours. It really depends on you and, even more so, on your ability to handle the alcoholic strength of the ombre. The important thing is to find the right places that make you feel at home and let you savor the true Venetian atmosphere.

Sestiere Cannaregio

Osteria BEA VITA

Located at the end of Fondamenta degli Ormesini, far from the hordes of tourists crowding Strada Nuova, Osteria Bea Vita offers a genuine taste of Venice's local life. Upon entering, you'll be greeted by a large counter filled with cicchetti and small sandwiches, all kinds of fried foods, meatballs, and calamari. Being a spot much loved by the locals, you'll certainly find some Venetians engaging in a "ciacoea" (chat) with the hosts, and around noon, the place will fill up with workers on their lunch break. The cuisine is simple, authentic, and well-prepared. The atmosphere is rustic and relaxing, allowing you to savor the authentic Venetian experience. The smiles and friendliness of the hosts will make you forget you're in a hurry, and for this reason, it is considered a reliable favorite by Venetians and lovers of good wine and food. The value for money is excellent.

Closed on Monday

Cannaregio 3082, Fondamenta de le Cappuccine, 30121 Venezia




Cantina Vecia Carbonera

It is located at the corner of Rio della Maddalena, near the S. Antonio bridge, along one of the city's most frequented arteries. Once an old coal shop, today it is a typical Venetian osteria, offering a simple, informal, yet truly characteristic atmosphere dominated by dark wood. Cantina Vecia Carbonera features a rich counter with cicchetti, stuffed sandwiches, meatballs, fried calamari, and much more, all to be enjoyed in a simple setting, on wooden tables or outside on the steps of the bridge. A distinctive feature of this bacaro is the small port that opens directly onto the canal, through which goods arriving at the establishment are passed.

Closed on Monday

Cannaregio  2329, Campo della Maddalena, 30100 Venezia 




Sestiere Castello

Osteria al Portego

Osteria al Portego is located between Campo Santa Marina and Campo San Luca, just a stone's throw from the Rialto Bridge. It is a cozy place, rich in classic cicchetti on slices of bread, fried foods, and freshly made first courses typical of Venetian cuisine. The atmosphere is rustic and friendly, making it one of the favorite spots for Venice's students who feel at home here. Needless to say, during aperitivo hours, the bacaro is always very crowded but also lively and youthful.

Open every day, 11.30 am - 3 pm / 5.30 pm - 10 pm 

Castello 6014, Calle della Malvasia, 30122 Venezia 





El Refolo

Located on the only street in Venice named “via,” specifically Via Garibaldi, El Refolo is just a short walk from the lush garden leading to the Biennale. What sets it apart is the rich variety of products offered, from traditional Venetian food to a wide selection of cured meats and cheeses. In addition to being a bacaro, it is also a fantastic osteria where the dishes are fresh, genuine, and unique, specially chosen by the owners every day.

Closed on Monday

Castello 1580, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 30122 Venezia




Sestiere Santa Croce

Bacareto da Lele

To start your day off right, Bacareto da Lele is a must-visit, especially for those arriving from the bustling Piazzale Roma. It is located next to the Church of Tolentini and is a tiny establishment that accommodates only the counter and the space behind it. Beloved by university students not only for the exceptional quality of the wines but also, and especially, for the fantastic stuffed sandwiches that can be enjoyed on barrels outside, sitting on the steps of the Church of San Nicola da Tolentino, or on the steps that lead directly to the canal. The products are of excellent quality, mostly sourced by the owners from the Venetian countryside.

Closed on Sunday

Fondamenta dei Tolentini, 183, 30100 Venezia 




Hostaria Vecio Biavarol

This bacaro arose from the ashes of an old biavarol (grocery store), retaining not only the name but also the counter where it keeps the cured meats and cheeses used to prepare its dishes. Like all true Venetian bacari, Vecio Biavarol offers a wide assortment of cicchetti, sandwiches, and wines. What sets it apart, however, is its manager Andrea, known as Puppa, and the warm, youthful atmosphere he creates with his personality.

Open every day

Santa Croce 225, Fondamenta dei Tolentini, 30100 Venezia 




Sestiere San Polo

Cantina do Spade

In a somewhat hidden location, in the namesake Calle de le Do Spade, Cantina do Spade is an establishment dating back to the 15th century, and some say it was even frequented by the famous Casanova. Like all Venetian bacari, the spaces are quite limited, and seating is scarce, especially if you’re not dining but just want to “drink an ombra.” However, the small size also contributes to its authenticity as a true Venetian bacaro, with an authentic and genuine flavor. Needless to say, the quality of the food and wine is spectacular.

Closed on Monday morning

San Polo 859, Calle del Scaleter, 30125 Venezia 




Osteria ai do Zemei

“Zemei” in Venetian dialect means twins, and it is no coincidence that the place has this name. Franco and Giovanni, the two managers, are indeed two very friendly twins, and the walls of their establishment are literally covered with photos of twins, both of themselves and of visitors or passing tourists. Another characteristic of this place is the showcase full of sandwiches and crostini of all kinds. Despite being located in the usually crowded Ruga del Ravano, it also has outdoor tables. However, be aware of the price because those who sit down pay more.

Open every day

San Polo 1045, rio terà San Silvestro, 30125 Venezia




Sestiere San Marco

Bacaro da Fiore

Bacaro da Fiore is located on a side street of Campo Santo Stefano and should not be confused with a high-end restaurant of the same name. It is both a trattoria and a bacaro loved by many Venetians because it offers fresh and high-quality fish cicchetti every day. The fried fish is exquisite, as are the folpèti (baby octopus) with celery, the sèpe roste (grilled cuttlefish), the sarde in saòr, and the indispensable baccalà mantecato. But, meat lovers, do not despair: the rich counter also offers many delicious meat options.

Closed on Tuesday

San Marco 3461, Calle de le Botteghe, 30123 Venezia 




Al Volto

This bacaro is located in Calle Cavalli, just a few minutes' walk from Rialto. The street is very quiet, making it possible to sit outside at some wooden tables. The establishment boasts two showcases filled with exquisite Venetian delicacies. One display features hot dishes from the trattoria, while the other offers cicchetti for quick consumption, such as small sandwiches with cold cuts and cheeses, fried foods, tramezzini, and crostini with baccalà mantecato.

Open every day, 10 am - 3 pm / 6 pm - 10 pm 

San Marco 4081, Calle Cavalli, 30124 Venezia 




Sestiere Dorsoduro

Adriatico Mar

Not far from Campo San Pantalon and the Ca' Foscari University campus, you'll find this recently opened establishment, modern and well-kept yet genuinely Venetian. This bacaro is characterized by a reading corner with various books on Venetian history, culture, and curiosities, and a door that opens onto a small pier without a railing directly on the Rio de San Pantalon. Here, you can enjoy an excellent spritz or an ombra from an unusual perspective.

Closed on Monday

Dorsoduro 3771, Ponte Vinanti, 30125 Venezia 




Al Squero

Located on Fondamenta dei Nani, this is undoubtedly one of the most charming and evocative bacari in Venice because it offers a spectacular view of the San Trovaso squero, one of the last remaining "shipyards" for Venetian gondolas still in operation. To complete the experience, there is a magnificent counter with cicchetti and stuffed sandwiches, ranging from the classic baccalà mantecato to more imaginative options with truffle pâté or cheese cream. Frequented primarily by young students from the nearby university, it offers the possibility to fill plastic plates and cups and sit on the wall directly overlooking the Rio de San Trovaso.

Open every day, except for Wednesday morning

Dorsoduro 943, Fondamenta dei Nani, 30123 Venezia 




In conclusion, Venice's bacari offer a unique and authentic experience that captures the essence of the city's vibrant culinary and social traditions. From hidden gems tucked away in quiet calles to bustling spots near famous landmarks, each bacaro provides a distinct atmosphere where you can enjoy delicious cicchetti, sip on fine wines, and soak in the local culture.

Whether you're a tourist eager to explore the local flavors, a student looking for a cozy spot to unwind, or a couple seeking a romantic getaway, Venice's bacari cater to all tastes and preferences. The warm, welcoming ambiance and the delightful variety of food and drinks ensure that your bacaro tour will be an unforgettable journey through the heart of Venetian life.










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